Sabtu, 29 Desember 2007

little update

Been a while not updating this blog, i am pretty busy with works lately.

so, to make story short, now, i am working on 3 kits : Keroro Mk.II for keroro challenge, HG 1/144 Guntank for NNC, and Panther G for groudbuild.

hope in the this few days, i could upload some pic of my progress.

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2007

SD Astray - FINISHED !!!

at last the finished AStray SD with Kris Flamangle.
i used metalik black on this mokits, then top coat with gloss clear.
the red color actually is flouresence red airbrush over black, i make mistake here, but look good to me.
other angle.

eyes close-up.
can you guess how to make that?

SD Astray - WIP - continuing part 3

Been busy lately, but finally i managed to continue this mokits.
let start with Kris is the finished version, i airbrush the fire effect using self-made template, and tamiya acrylic paints. red as background, then orange as some effect over the red, lastly is lemon yellow at the center parts as it represend the hottest area of Kris Flamangle

the other side of Kris Flamangle.

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2007

SD Astray - WIP - continuing part 2

i modified Astray SD sword to what I call "KRIS FLAMANGEL".
It contain three words, KRIS or KERIS, FLAME and ANGEL.
to find out more about KRIS or KERIS, check

my idea is to make something like burning sword. kinda look cool, isnt it?

Minggu, 12 Agustus 2007

SD Astray - WIP - part 1

made : Bandai
grade : SD

snap-fitted and little modification on the face plate. i cut out the nose section so i could insert the eyes and nose part after painted.

head part. nose part cutted out. top head part also cut out from the eyes part, so it could be inserted through the hole on the head after painted.

by using plaplate i tried to make the sink-arrow-mark on the top of the head raised. hope it could be done this way.

two side were done.

Selasa, 07 Agustus 2007

HG 1/144 Bawoo

made : Bandai
Scale : 1/144

this pic is the original version.
this kit could be transformed to two aircrafts. but i prefer it in robot form.

This is the finished version. I change the color from the original one, now using metalic color.
this kit need alot of sanding and gap filling.

SD Neue Zeil

made : Bandai
Scale : SD - Super Deformed

OK, this was a Super Deformed ( SD ) version. which could also mean as cute version...hahahah
i did color modification on this kit. make some free hand lining on both wings and shoulder, to make it look like muscle effect, but not very sucessfull.
this kit is very good, everyting come nicely fitted, no glue is needed just snap-fit if you are not going to paint it.


made : Dragon
Scale : 1/72

1st military kit i ever made, i learned dry brushing, wash, and weathering on this kit.
the result is not clearly shown on this pic as i am afraid to over doing those technique.
this kit is very good, modelling glue is a must in miltary kits.
i finished those armor and base then started painting.
rail, track and cannon were painted seperately, and glue to the base afterwards.

after every painting done, i clear coat with gloss, the decals come next. after that wash with dark enamel paint, and with tissue paper wetted with enamel thinner i kinda swab randomly on the armor surface to make randam dirt effect. some paint chipped on decals. some rust with coloring pencils.
after all that, top coat with flat clear. i guess this one is not flat enough.

HG 1/144 Astray Red Frame

made : Bandai
Scale : 1/144

I did color modification on this kit. not suggested for beginner modeller, as the parts are not very nicely fit.
A lot of modelling technique could be learn from this kits.
this is the 2nd kit i build n paint.
been thinking for a while to get another one, to try again...heheheh

HG 1/144 Gouf Ignited

This is the 1st model kit i build and painted.
Made : Bandai
Scale : 1/144

I did small modification on the eye, not very clear in this pic.
Also sharpened the horn like on both shoulders and shield.

Overall this is very nice kit to build. all parts perfectly snap fitted.


Hi, I am Ata from Indonesia. This blog's purpose is to share my experiences in scale modelling.
I started modelling about 3 years ago, since then i just can't stop it.

OK. Let me start this blog with something that happened before i started modelling. At that time, i was having stomach-ache which make me always vomit after each meal. Sorry about that.
After seeing doctor, the result was STRESS. Which make acid production in my tummy increase to a very high level. So, medicines after medicines was taken each time before and after meal, just to control the acid production. And everything is going just fine.
After that, i was introduced to scale modelling by a friend. He taught me a lot. And before i notice it, my sickness is slowly reduced and medicine also reduced. and the most important things is each time i am into modelling, i feel like my stress was disappear.
Since that time, everytime i feel stress, scale model kit is the one thing i am looking to.
I would like to encourage others to follows this, since STRESS could trigger other sickness.

One more thing. If you have childrens age around 7 and up. I would said, please let them build this, they could learn alot of things, like how to read scheme, recognice parts, how to carefully use tools, most important things is they will learn about PROGRESS.
If childrens are using tools, be advice to watch them closely.

So, I think that's all i could say. Happy Modelling.
Pardon me for my bad english.